Mon - Thu: 9:00 - 16:00 | Fri: 14:00
Sat-Sun Closed

Inheritance Certificate

All the applicants shall carefully read the following instructions and information and apply accordingly:
VISIT IN PERSON: The applicant(s) and ALL the witnesses MUST be present at the Embassy on the date and time of the appointment along with the application form and required documents.
APPLICATION FORM: Clients should fill the applications in Dari or Pashto carefully. Special attention to names, dates, figures and places are required. Forms can be downloaded from here.

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AND WITNESSES: Please read the information below carefully and prepare for your appointment accordingly. The following persons and documents MUST be present in the Embassy during your appointment.

a) Inheritor(s) (Waris/Warasa): at least ONE inheritor (waris) MUST be present at the Embassy at the time of appointment along with (1) one copy of his/her/their Tazkira or passport and (2) two recent photographs (size: 3x4 cm)
b) Testifiers (Iqrar Konendagan): THREE adult testifiers (Iqrar Konendagan) MUST accompany the Inheritor(s) at the Embassy during the appointment along with (1) one copy of Tazkira or Afghan passports of each testifier; and (2) two recent photographs each (size: 3x4 cm) and (3) copies of German Residence Permit.
c) Witnesses: Two adult witnesses MUST also accompany the inheritor(s), with their (a) copies of Tazkira or Afghan passport; (2) copies of German Residence Permit; (3) two recent photographs (size: 3x4 cm)

FEE: An applicant should pay €130.EURO for ONE Certificate of Inheritance. The fee can be paid by by credit/debit cards in Embassy.

Notes: For One Certificate of Inheritance at least SIX adults are required at the General Consulate (at least ONE Inheritor + THREE Testifiers + TWO Witnesses) Please bring along all necessary documents and photographs at the time of your appointment. The General Consulate does not have printing and copying facilities for its clients.

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